Join Living Machines 2022!

Registration includes

Access to workshops - Access to conference sessions - The conference proceedings
  • f
  • For first authors

  • Register and be part of the 11th edition of Living Machines on 19-22 July 2022.
    We have a great program with inspiring scientific and technical workshops, plenary talks, and paper presentations.

  • 150
  • Register
  • f
  • General registration

  • Register and be part of the 11th edition of Living Machines on 19-22 July 2022.
    We have a great program with inspiring scientific and technical workshops, plenary talks, and paper presentations.

  • 100
  • Register
  • f
  • For Workshop Registration only

  • Register and be part of the 11th edition of Living Machines on 19-22 July 2022.
    We have a great program with inspiring scientific and technical workshops.

  • free
  • Register