
Neuro Robotics – 30 July 2021

This workshop will bring together speakers on active touch and vision perception, grasping and manipulation, neuromorphic vision systems, human-robot interaction, shared control and brain-computer interface, and cognitive architectures to discuss 10-years of progress in neuro-robotics and future challenges in the field. The workshop will conclude with a panel inviting all the speakers to discuss the next 10-years of neuro-robotics.


Uriel Martinez-Hernandez, University of Bath, UK

Vicky Vouloutsi, Technology Innovation Institute, UAE

PROGRAM 30.07.21        13:00 UTC

Time UTCSessionsSpeakersTalks
13:00WelcomeUriel Martinez Hernandez & Vicky Vouloutsi
13:05 -13:45 Active Touch, Vision, Perception Nathan Lepora – University of Bristol, UK Whiskers, Fingers, Hands and Brains
13:45 – 14:05 Tobias Fischer  – Queensland University of Technology, AUNeuromorphic event cameras for place recognition and robot navigation
14:05 – 14:25 ManipulationClaudio Zito –  Technology Innovation Institute, UAE Knowledge and Skill Transfer for Robot Manipulation Tasks
14:25 – 14:45  Mehmet Dogar – University of Leeds, UK Robotic Manipulation: From Pick-and-Place to Physical Interaction
14:45 – 15:45 Break
15:45 – 16:05 Dingguo Zhang  –  University of Bath, UK    Shared Control of a Robotic Arm using Brain-Computer Interfaces and Robotic Vision
16:05 – 16:25 HRILorenzo Cominelli – University of Pisa, Italy   FACE and Abel: emotions, personality, and trust in HRI
16:25 – 16:45 Ana Tanevska –  Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), ItalyIntrinsic motivation and adaptation – the dynamic duo of cognitive human-robot interaction
16:45 – 17:15  Plenary discussionAll speakersThe field’s future

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