The nearest airport is East Midlands (EMA) and the nearest airport served directly by train from Sheffield is Manchester (MAN).
The nearest airport is East Midlands (EMA) and the nearest airport served directly by train from Sheffield is Manchester (MAN).
Sheffield station is managed by East Midlands Railway who operate the route between Sheffield and London St. Pancras via Chesterfield, Derby and Leicester. To plan a train journey and order tickets you can use National Rail.
The nearest Eurostar station to Sheffield is London St. Pancras. This is directly accessible from London St. Pancras and can be reached in 2 hours.
From Sheffield station you can travel directly to the University’s main campus by tram, with journeys taking less than 10 minutes. To do this catch a blue route service from the tram stop at the station towards Malin Bridge. Trams run every 12 minutes. If you fancy some fresh air it’s a 20 minute walk.
Alternatively you can catch one of a number of buses from outside the station or across the road from Sheffield Interchange or you can hop in a taxi which will take around 10 minutes.
If it is necessary to drive when visiting the University, please consider using a park-and-ride site or one of the following car parks.
Sheffield city centre is covered by a clean air zone. Private cars are exempt from charges. However, non-compliant vans, campervans and other light goods vehicles are included in the scheme. If you want to check the status of a vehicle, you can do so on the Sheffield City Council’s website.
Hotel rooms for attendees of the conference can be reversed at special rates.
Please make your reservation via this link: Hotel discounted rates for attendees