Cellular Plasticity Model for Bottom-Up Robotic Design (Trevor Smith, Thomas Smith, Nicholas Szczecinski, Sergiy Yakovenko, Yu Gu)

Best Talk

FlyWheel: A Robotic Platform for Modeling Fly Visual Behavior (William Nourse, Roger Quinn)

Runner Up Best Talk

SLUGBOT V2: A Slug-Grasper Robot with an Improved Protraction Muscle (I2) (Gerardo Vega, Kevin Dai, Ravesh Sukhnandan, Steve Rogers, Gregory P. Sutton, Hillel J. Chiel, Victoria A. Webster-Wood)

Best Poster

Evaluating Decoders of Locomotion Intent After Spinal Cord Injury to Drive Restoration of Movement Using FES (Smiti Narayanan, Matthew Tresch)

Runner Up Best Poster