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27-30 July 2021
6 Workshops Lectures

The 10th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems

This 10th edition will highlight the most exciting research on biomimetics and biohybrid systems united by the theme of ``Living Machines``

Due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 edition of the Living Machines conference will have a streamlined online format to assure continuity of the Living Machines conference, community engagement, and support.

About Living Machines

The development of future real-world technologies will depend strongly on our understanding and harnessing of the principles underlying living systems and the flow of communication signals between living and artificial systems. Biomimetics is the development of novel technologies through the distillation of principles from the study of biological systems. Biohybrid systems are formed by combining at least one biological component and at least one artificial, newly-engineered component. Bypassing information in one or both directions, such a system forms a new hybrid bio-artificial entity. The conference theme also encompasses biomimetic methods for manufacture, repair, and recycling inspired by natural processes such as reproduction, digestion, morphogenesis, and metamorphosis.

Living Machines themes

Living Machines activities include a wide range of topics:

• Biomimetic robots and their component technologies that can intelligently interact with their environments.
• Biomimetic computers—neuromimetic emulations of the physiological basis of intelligent behaviour.
• Active biomimetic materials and structures that self-organize and self-repair or show other bio-inspired functions.
• Artificial organs and intelligent prostheses.
• Organism-level biohybrids
• Control principles for embodied perception, cognition, and action.
• Synthetic biology and synthetic consciousness based on biomimetics.

Discusssion on the advances of Biomimetics and Biohybrid systems

The investigation of biomimetic and biohybrid systems can serve two complementary goals. First, a suitably designed and configured biomimetic and biohybrid artefact can be used to test theories about the natural system of interest. Second, biomimetic and biohybrid technologies can provide useful, elegant, and efficient solutions to unsolved challenges in science and engineering.

One day of Plenary Talks. 27 July 2021

As this special edition features the 10 years of Living Machines, plenary speakers will highlight the relevant contributions to the fields of biomimetics and biohybrid systems and help to address two main questions: have these fields evolved in the last 10 years, what will be their unique challenges and expected progress in the next 10 years, and how will they impact society?
check out the Plenary talks!

Top Speakers

We will invite 6 plenary speakers


Hot Topics

The state of the art in Biomimetics and Biohybrid Systems



Check our program!



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Three-days of dedicated Workshops. 28-30 July 2021

Active researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems are invited to participate in full or half-day Living Machines workshops.

Workshops Contribution and Publications

Participants to the workshops are invited to either give a short presentation or a live demonstration of their work. Please select the workshop where you would like to contribute and send your abstract (max 2000 words) to the corresponding workshop organizers.
Workshops' speakers may contribute to perspectives papers curated by the workshop organizers.

Workshops Organizers

Contact us

Soft Robotics

Mark Desmulliez. Heriot-Watt University, Edinburg, UK

Soft robotics

Falk J. Tauber Esser. University Freiburg

Bioinspired Locomotion

Alexander Hunt, Portland State University, US

Bio-Hybrid robotics

Vickie Webster Wood. Carnegie Mellon University, US

Bio-Hybrid robotics

Masahiro Shimizu. Osaka University, Japan

Invertebrate Robotics

Micheal Mangan. The University of Sheffield, UK

Invertebrate robotics

Nicholas Szczecinski. West Virginia University, US

Neuro Robotics

Vicky Vouloutsi. Autonomous Robotics Research Centre at Technology Innovation Institute

Neuro Robotics

Uriel Martinez-Hernandez . University of Bath, UK

Plant functions, hybrid systems, and plant robotics

Fabian Meder. Italian Institute of Technology, IT

This Year Schedule

27 July, 2021

6 Plenary lectures

10:00 – 18:00 UTC

As this special edition features the 10 years of Living Machines, plenary speakers will highlight the relevant contributions to the fields of biomimetics and biohybrid systems and help to address two main questions.

28 – 30 July, 2021

6 Workshops

13:00 – 18:00 UTC

Active researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems are invited to participate in full or half-day workshops on Living Machines related themes.

Relevant Dates

May 30, 2021 Expression of interest for Participation
June 15, 2021 Notification of acceptance
July 27-30, 2021 Plenary talks and Workshops

Sponsors and Collaborators