The Living Machines proceedings is now available online. You can find information about it at the Springer link Living Machines: Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems
Oral Presentations
1. Spiking cooperative stereo-matching at 2 ms latency with neuromorphic hardware. Georgi Dikov, Mohsen Firouzi, Florian Röhrbein, Jorg Conradt, Christoph Richter
2. Stimulus Control for Semi-Autonomous Computer Canine-Training. John Majikes, Sherrie Yuschak, Katherine walker, Rita Brugarolas, Sean Mealin, marc foster, alper bozkurt, barbara sherman, David Roberts
3. Reducing Versatile Bat Wing Conformations to a 1-DoF Machine. Jonathan Hoff, Alireza Ramezani, Soon-Jo Chung, Seth Hutchinson
4. MantisBot Changes Stepping Speed by Entraining CPGs to Positive Velocity Feedback. Nicholas Szczecinski, Roger Quinn
5. Jellyfish inspired soft robot prototype which uses circumferential contraction for jet propulsion. George Bridges, Moritz Raach, Martin Stoelen
6. Predator Evasion by a Robocrab. Theodoros Stouraitis, Evripidis Gkanias, Jan M. Hemmi, Barbara Webb
7. EvoBot: towards a Robot-Chemostat for culturing and maintaining Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs). Pavlina Theodosiou, Andres Faina, Farzad Nejatimoharrami, Kasper Stoy, John Greenman, Chris Melhuish, Ioannis Ieropoulos
8. Mathematical Modeling to Improve Control of Mesh Body for Peristaltic Locomotion. Yifan Huang, Akhil Kandhari, Hillel Chiel, Roger Quinn, Kathryn Daltorio
9. Reducing Training Environments in Evolutionary Robotics Through Ecological Modularity. Collin Cappelle, Anton Bernatskiy, Josh Bongard
10. Pop! Observing and Modeling the Legless Self-righting Jumping Mechanism of Click Beetles. Ophelia Bolmin, CHENGFANG DUAN, Luis Urrutia, Ahmad M. Abdulla, Alexander M. Hazel, Marianne Alleyne, Alison Dunn, Aimy Wissa
11. Autonomous Thrust-Assisted Perching of a Fixed-Wing UAV on Vertical Surfaces. Dino Mehanovic, John Bass, Thomas Courteau, David Rancourt, Alexis Lussier Desbiens
12. An Integrated Compliant Fabric Skin Softens, Lightens, and Simplifies a Mesh Robot. Anna Mehringer, Akhil Kandhari, Hillel Chiel, Roger Quinn, Kathryn Daltorio
13. Describing Robotic Bat Flight with Stable Periodic Orbits. Alireza Ramezani, Syed Usman Ahmed, Jonathan Hoff, Soon-Jo Chung, Seth Hutchinson
14. A Biomimetic Vocalisation System for MiRo Roger Moore. Ben Mitchinson
15. Feather-Inspired Sensor for Stabilizing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Turbulent Conditions. Christos Kouppas, Martin Pearson, Paul Dean, Sean Anders
16. Using deep autoencoders to investigate image matching in visual navigation. Chris Walker, Paul Graham, Andrew Philippides
17. You made him be alive: Children’s perceptions of animacy in a humanoid robot. David Cameron, Samuel Fernando, Emily C. Collins, Abigail Millings, Michael Szollosy, Roger Moore, Amanda Sharkey, Tony Prescott
18. Self-organising thermoregulatory huddling in a model of soft deformable littermates. Stuart Wilson
19. Tunable Normal and Shear Force Discrimination by a Plant-Inspired Tactile Sensor for Soft Robotics. Afroditi Astreinidi Blandin, Massimo Totaro, Irene Bernardeschi, Lucia Beccai
20. 3D-printed Biohybrid Robots Powered by Neuromuscular Tissue Circuits from Aplysia californica. Victoria Webster-Wood, Fletcher Young, Jill Patel, Gabrielle Scariano, Ozan Akkus, Umut Gurkan, Hillel Chiel, Roger Quinn
21. Analysing the Limitations of Deep Learning. Daniel Camilleri, Tony Prescott
22. Automated calibration of a biomimetic space-dependent model for zebrafish and robot collective behaviour in a structured environment. Leo Cazenille, Yohann Chemtob, Frank Bonnet, Alexey Gribovskiy, Francesco Mondada, Nicolas Bredeche, José Halloy
Poster Session 1
1. Development of a Bio-inspired Knee Joint Mechanism for a Bipedal Robot. Alexander Steele, Alexander Hunt, Appolinaire C. Etoundi
2. Neuronal distance estimation by a fly-robot interface. Jiaqi Huang, Holger G Krapp
3. Bio-inspired Robot Design Considering Load-bearing and Kinematic Ontogeny of Chelonioidea Sea Turtles. Andrew Jansen, Kevin Sebastian Luck, Joseph Campbell, Heni Ben Amor, Daniel Aukes
4. Development of Novel Foam-based Soft Robotic Ring Actuators for a Biomimetic Peristaltic Pumping System. Falk Esser, Tibor Steger, David Bach, Tom Masselter, Thomas Speck
5. Effects of locomotive drift in scale-invariant robotic search strategies. Carlos Garcia-Saura, Eduardo Serrano, Francisco B. Rodriguez, Pablo Varona
6. Animal and Robotic Locomotion on Wet Granular Media. Hosain Bagheri, Vishwarath Taduru, Sachin Panchal, Shawn White, Hamidreza Marvi
7. Bio-inspired Tensegrity Soft Modular Robots. Davide Zappetti, Stefano Mintchev, Jun Shintake, Dario Floreano
8. Research of a lensless artificial compound eye. Gašper Škulj, Drago Bracun
9. Straight swimming algorithms used by a design of biomimetic robotic fish Afolayan . Matthew Olatunde
10. Introducing BiomimOMICS: Combining Biomimetics and Comparative Genomics for Constraining Synapse and Nervous System Evolution. Claudio Flores Martinez
11. Exploiting Morphology of a Soft Manipulator for Assistive Tasks. Mariangela Manti, Thomas Thuruthel, Francesco Falotico, Andrea Pratesi, Egidio Falotico, Matteo Cianchetti, Cecilia Laschi
12. Bioinspired magnetic navigation using magnetic signatures as waypoints. Brian Taylor, Grant Huang
13. A biomechanical characterization of plant root tissues by dynamic nanoindentation technique for biomimetic technologies. Benedetta Calusi, Francesca Tramacere, Nicola M. Pugno, Barbara Mazzolai
14. Collisional Diffraction Emerges from Simple Control of Limbless Locomotion. Perrin Schiebel, Jennifer Rieser, Alex Hubbard, Lillian Chen, Daniel Goldman
15. Modeling of Bioinspired Apical Extension in a Soft Robot. Laura Blumenschein, Allison Okamura, Elliot Hawkes
16. Soft Fingers with Controllable Compliance to Enable Realization of Low Cost Grippers. Satyandra Gupta, Keng-Yu Lin
17. Binocular Vision Using Synthetic Nervous Systems. Anna Sedlackova, Nicholas Szczecinski, Roger Quinn
18. Geometric Mechanics Applied to Tetrapod Locomotion on Granular Media. Yasemin Ozan Aydin, Baxi Chong, Chaohui Gong, Jennifer Rieser, Jeffery W. Rankin, Krijn Michel, Alfredo G. Nicieza, John Hutchinson, Howie Choset, Daniel Goldman
19. A Closed Loop Shape Control for Bio-inspired Soft Arms. Dario Lunni, Matteo Cianchetti, Egidio Falotico, Cecilia Laschi, Barbara Mazzolai
20. Bio-inspired design of a double-sided crawling robot. Jong-Eun Lee, Gwang-Pil Jung, Kyu-jin Cho
Poster Session 2
21. An Adaptive Modular Recurrent Cerebellum-Inspired Controller. Kiyan Maheri, Alexander Lenz, Martin Pearson
22. A Scalable Neuro-inspired Robot Controller Integrating a Machine Learning Algorithm and a Spiking Cerebellar-like Network. Ismael Baira Ojeda, Silvia Tolu, Henrik Hautop Lund
23. Behavior-State Dependent Modulation of Perception Based on a Model of Conditioning. Jordi-Ysard Puigbò Llobet, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Paul Verschure
24. Causal biomimesis: self-replication as evolutionary consequence. Gabriel Axel Montes
25. Simulation of Human Balance Control Using an Inverted Pendulum Model. Wade Hilts, Alexander Hunt, Nicholas Szczecinski, Roger Quinn
26. Deep Dynamic Programming: Optimal Control with Continuous Model Learning of a Nonlinear Muscle Actuated Arm. Andrew Lonsberry, Alexander Lonsberry, Roger Quinn
27. Non-ordinary consciousness for artificial intelligence. Gabriel Axel Montes
28. Towards Identifying Biological Research Articles in Computer-Aided Biomimetics. Ruben Kruiper, Julian F.V. Vincent, Jessica Chen-Burger, Marc Desmulliez
29. Dry Adhesion of Artificial Gecko Setae Fabricated via Direct Laser Lithography. Omar Tricinci, Eric Eason, Carlo Filippeschi, Alessio Mondini, Barbara Mazzolai, Nicola M. Pugno, Mark Cutkosky, Francesco Greco, Virgilio Mattoli
30. Spermbots: concept and applications. Mariana Medina-Sanchez, Veronika Magdanz, Lukas Schwarz, Haifeng Xu, Oliver Schmidt
31. Biomimetic Creatures Teach Mechanical Systems Design. Matthew Estrada, John Kegelman, Chris Gerdes, Mark Cutkosky
32. Bioinspired Grippers for Natural Curved Surface Perching. William Roderick, Hao Jiang, Shiquan Wang, David Lentink, Mark Cutkosky
33. Gesture Recognition through Classification of Acoustic Muscle Sensing for Prosthetic Control. Samuel Wilson, Ravi Vaidyanathan
34. Cell Patterning Method by Vibratory Stimuli. Ippei Tashiro, Masahiro Shimizu, Koh Hosoda
35. An Insect-Scale Bioinspired Flapping-Wing-Mechanism for Micro Aerial Vehicle Development. Kenneth Moses, Nathaniel Michaels, Joel Hauerwas, Mark Willis, Roger Quinn
36. Self-Organisation of Spatial Behaviour in a Kilobot Swarm. Calum Imrie, J. Michael Herrmann
37. Using the Robot Operating System for Biomimetic Research. Alexander Billington, Whitbread Joseph, Gabriel Walton, Michael Mangan
38. Learning modular sequences in the Striatum. Giovanni Maffei, Jordi-Ysard Puigbò Llobet, Paul Verschure
39. Consciousness as an Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Strategy. Xerxes Arsiwalla, Ivan Herreros, Clément Moulin-Frier, Paul Verschure